I have been in a recruitment business for 12 years, and since the beginning of my career I have been wondering why candidates who I call with job offers take a very keen interest, even though they are currently employed. If we are in a happy relationship, even a call from Brad Pitt will not interest us. I started to seek for research on our job satisfaction. Unfortunately, I have not found any reliable data with input from Poles. I decided to do such a research myself ☺ Because of the fact that the last time when I made a questionnaire was for my MA thesis I asked for help Marta Pawlak-Dobrzańska from Great Digital who is a specialist in measuring all the HR indicators. In our questionnaire 901 employees have taken part, living mostly in big cities.
Key take-aways
- Poles on a scale of 0 to 10 are happy at work at 6,3.
- This result significantly differs between people who work and don’t plan changes of work (7,8), and those who work but consider changing the job (5,1). It turned out that we don’t have to be unhappy at work to think about changes.
- The most important factors affecting our job satisfaction: decent salary (88%), colleagues (84%), possibilities of professional development (81%), work-life balance (80%), and… commute (76%)
- 63% of interviewees declared that they are willing to consider changing place of residence in order to find a better job
- People who live in Tricity are less willing to leave the city to take up a better job (half of Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot residents is willing to stay, while only 36% of the capital city declared the same)
- Poles are not prone to recommend a job. Net Promoter Score (% – critics – % promoters – on a scale of -100 to 100, is only -14. When comparing NPS in consumers’ tests of brands such as Harley Davidson or Apple, the score is over 70.
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